Most companies require you to pay a huge excess fees, sometimes as much as £ 500 if there is a problem with your vehicle and you need to make a claim. Excess of this amount depending on the type of insurance you have, such as third party fire and theft or comprehensive insurance policy. It is also influenced by who is driving (ie how long they had been driving and if they are ever to make a claim before) and what kind of car was driven. Young drivers often have to pay the excess amount large enough liability because of their inexperience. If the excess is £ 500 then you will have to pay the first £ 500 of any claim you make. However, we do not want our customers to get saddled with a huge bill, especially if they've just taken to the streets, and become our new insurance option allows you to avoid ever have to pay the excess. |
○ If a traffic accident *Move the car to a safe place, turn off the engine and car *If one is hurt, immediately call an ambulance (telephone number: 119) *Contact the police and give a report on the accident (telephone number: 110) *name, address, telephone number, and your car number plate *If there are witnesses, and record the name of the place that people can be contacted. *Contact the insurance ○? Jibaiseki hoken? This insurance is a change-loss insurance is compulsory car owned by the owner of each vehicle. This has been defined in the law. ○? Nin-i hoken? This insurance is insurance that car owners the option to set the maximum number of cases in each. If the number of change-loss through a maximum claim limit, the car owners have to pay money. ○ Sharing assist in case of disaster accident There are some places that make up the system public assistance agencies (depending on the policy area). Money is the intention of 600 yen / person for a year. Each member of the ...
Nice info about rental insurance.. thank's
ReplyDeleteI agree with you and yes the insurance policy amount is affected by several number of factors. Insurance provider considers so many factors when estimating the policy rate and no two person can have the same policy as their needs and choices will be different.
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