Buying a car insurance policy is like making a contract between you and an insurance company. You promise to pay a certain amount of money on a regular basis. They promise to pay for specific car-related expenses as long as the policy is in effect. Before we get into more detail, let’s define some basic car insurance terms. PREMIUM The premium is how much you will be charged for each type of coverage you choose – basically, how much this whole thing is going to cost you. Looking at premiums can help you compare insurance offers and identify possible savings opportunities. Most insurers will give you options for paying your premium, such as paying all upfront or making a down payment (often 2 months worth) and then paying the rest in monthly installments. POLICY PERIOD Your insurance coverage is only in effect during the period specified in your policy. Typically, auto policies are in effect for six months or one-year terms. When you are shopping for insurance, be sure ...
Esurance, a subsidiary of White Mountains Insurance Group, Ltd. (NYSE: WTM), provides personal automobile insurance directly to consumers online and through select online agents. Esurance intended to continue to improve the way people shop, buy, and manage automated insurance. By combining the best technology with industry know-how, Esurance can trouble-free offers coverage with 24 / 7 customer service and claims handling at competitive prices. Esurance has distinguished itself from its competitors with an animated ad campaign cartoon icons featuring secret agent created by the Esurance and the award winning animation studio, W! LDBRAIN, has gathered attention for Their unique use Flash animation. no doubt about the costumer service esurance will provide a satisfactory service.