1 Ask about discounts. Ask your agent about multiple-car rates, good student, house and car rates, and if your employer offers group rates.According to Blau, multiple-car discounts saves about 15 percent, auto and home advantage program save up to 25 percent, and good student can save between 15 to 20 percent. 2 Obey the speed limit. The limits are set to create a safe pace of travel, so follow them. Abiding by them reduces your risk of being involved in an accident. 3 Wear your seatbelt . It’s the golden rule of the roads. 4 Drive less . Some companies offer “low-mileage” discounts to customers who do not commute a long distance to work or those who carpool. 5 Consider paying for your coverage every six months . Many companies offer a reduced price if drivers pay bi-annually instead of monthly. At American Family, policy holders can save about $20 a year. 6 Encourage young drivers to take drivers education. While you many not see any immediate savings in your bill, drivers-ed grad...